Innovation Technology
Transfer Office (i-TTO)

Set Up at FITT with Support from NBM, BIRAC

To facilitate research, development, collaborations and technology commercialization in North and parts of central region of India, BIRAC under National Biopharma Mission has roped in FITT, IIT-Delhi. Towards this, FITT has established an Innovation Technology Transfer Office (i-TTO) which will provide requisite services to incubation centers, innovators, entrepreneurs, start-ups, industries and academia.

Vision of Innovation Technology Transfer Office (i-TTO)-“Strengthen the Innovation and Technology Commercialization ecosystem in the country.”

Mission Statement of i-TTO:

  • To support and promote the technology transfer ecosystem in India.
  • To enhance academia-industry collaboration.
  • To protect and manage the Intellectual Property Rights resulting from R &D efforts.
  • To create mechanisms for commercialization of IP through different modes.

Services offered by i-TTO:

  • Developing linkages with R&D organizations, incubators, industries and others.
  • Outreach towards technology transfer partnerships.
  • Provide assistance for acquisition and adaptation of technologies.
  • Conducting IP awareness and technology transfer capacity building and skill training programme.
  • Mentoring Start-ups/ innovators/ entrepreneur’s/ innovation set-ups to provide them with the required support for IP protection and technology commercialization.
  • R&D projects among Industry, start-ups and academic institutions.

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